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FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions
The Basics:
U=U: “Undetectable = Untransmittable”, ie “Non-Detectable = Non-Contagious”.
ART: Antiretroviral Treatment for HIV.
TasP: "Treatment as Prevention".
Viral load: The amount of HIV / ml.
Untraceable viral load: Viral load count is below 50 copies of virus / ml, due to regular and effective antiretroviral therapy (ART) received by a person living with HIV.
Untransmittable: HIV CANNOT be transmitted through intercourse when the viral load is Non-Detectable.
STI: Sexually Transmitted Infections.
PrEP: “Pre Exposure Prophylaxis” is a prophylactic treatment before exposure to HIV.

"U=U is a blessing, but only for those with access to HIV treatment"
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